Thank you for your interest in booking one of Our Get Tricked Acts. Please Fill out the form below and we can get started.
Style of Show Definitions:
Stage Show:
Any show that the audience is seated, and the performer will perform in front of the audience. This type of performance can feature a platform, stage etc or be at ground level. These shows often range in time form a single act 5-12 mins, to a full show 60+ Mins.
This style of performance is often times seen at job fairs, farmer markets etc. Where the magician sits, stands at a booth where the audience walks to the booth to see a show. This is a closeup and possible stage.
Any magic that is performed in a close proximity, or intimate setting, can be considered close-up. This is often a one on one or one on small group style of performance.
This is often seen as cocktail magic. Where the performer will walk around and mingle with the guests. Performing for small groups or one on one. This is often used as a way to kill time and entertain at weddings, social events etc. This is a closeup style of magic but can lead up to a stage style performance.
This style of magic is more restaurant and bar style of magic where the magician will either sit of stand at a table upon request and perform for the table / seated patrons. Usually this is reserved for before the or after food as been ordered (As a way to fill time before the server gets there to take orders or before food shows up. Sometimes a performer may be requested after the meal to perform for the guests. Each performance lasts between 2-5 mins. At bars this performance can last longer. This is a closeup style performance.
Street / Busking:
This is often seen at fairs, farmers markets, streets of Vegas etc. Where the performer forms a crowd at an event, performers a stage/close-up style show for about 15 mins and then collects tips afterwards. This style of performing is usually a 2-3 hour performing window where the performer performs for 15 min segments with between 5-10 mins of reset in between.
If you do not know where you inquire falls on the list about, we are more than happy to help you with that and help guide you to the best possible show style to fit your event and your needs.
Please not that all quotes are subject to change based on location, style of event etc. We will do our best to give you the most accurate information as possible.