Here is a PDF so that you can make your own BLANK NIGHT Envelopes and Gimmick.

The paper I use is Astrobright Colored paper. I believe it’s 24lbs. But this can be made of Thicker cards stock if need be.

I plan to post a video sometime soon on the construction of the envelopes.

To round out the corners, I use a penny to mark out the round and then just cut it using scissors.

~Materials List~

  • Astrobright colored paper

  • Exacto/Craft Knife

  • Steel Ruler

  • Scissors

  • Zig 2 way Glue


This is a loose transcript of the routine based on how I currently perform it in my act.

The text here is not to be just used as a 100% script but rather a script to riff with, with the audience.

I will tell you a little about the envelopes before we start. 4 of the envelopes are worthless. They Contain nothing. However one of the envelopes contains 100$ exactly. Now the idea of the trick is very very simple. I got to make sure that no one wins my $100. And How I do that is by what I tell you about the envelopes and what I have written on the envelopes. We are going to start with you. What is your name? Good memory.

They all got something written on them, especially that one. That's got something written on it. Now, this is the only envelope that has got something written on it. Even though all of them do have something written on them. But it isn't something, it's something else. Which in itself is something. But it's not the something you want. The question you have to ask yourself. If you're vagally interested. To be honest you don't look like you are. Is would I put the money in an Envelope that says it has something in it? When we all know for a fact that they all have something in even the ones that don't have something on. Don't Decide just yet There are another 4 exciting envelopes to see. If you don't go for something then you might go for Envelope number 2 which says nothing.

Which as I promised is something but it is something else that is nothing. Would I put the money in the envelope that says it's got nothing in while we know for a fact that they all got something in well that's just stupid. so obviously there is something in it, but it might not be the something you want. It's nothing. If you don't go for that then you might go for envelope number 3. Envelope number 3 says Yours.

Now everyone likes what is rightfully theirs. But this isn't theirs, this is yours. Because when you read it if you think it's yours. But when I read it, I think it was mine. Because it is mine because it says mine on the front. All though it could possibly be yours. ... Only when you read it. Are you getting confused? you should be. If you don't go for yours then you might go for mine.

And you'll notice that mine is much bigger than yours. Get over it, I'm gifted that way. Question is, would I put the money in the envelope that says mine, when of course when you read it you think it's yours. But we know it's not yours because the other one is yours. This one is definitely mine. If you don't go for mine then you might go for the final envelope. The final Envelope Says Sex.

Now sex can be a beautiful word. It can be a sleazy word. And it can be just an anatomical description. But it is certainly a powerful word. Possibly one of the most powerful words in the English language. Maybe I purposely put sex on there because I don't think you're the type of guy to ask for sex in an open public forum. So what we are going to do is play a little game. We've got Something, Nothing, Yours, Mine, and Sex. I'm just going to ask you to name one of the envelopes. Whichever Envelope you name will be the envelope you get.

Riff till the end.